Health and Wellbeing @ Burnhaven

Health and Wellbeing @ Burnhaven

The Technical bit

Coming Soon – Our policy

We plan using the Health and Wellbeing Experience and Outcomes

We assess using the Curriculum for Excellence Benchmarks

Personal and Social Education

Physical Education

Food and Health

Parent Workshop presentation shared May 21st 2021

The resources we use


For relationships, sexual health and parenthood


Teachers use these resources as a starting point and then adapt for their own classes knowing what they need and when.

Our Planning documents

Burnhaven Health and Wellbeing – Early Level

Burnhaven Health and Wellbeing – First Level

Burnhaven Health and Wellbeing – 2nd Level


Click here for more information about Getting it Right for Every Child

Restorative Approaches

When working with children to restore a situation we will use a restorative approach.

What is it all about?  

Building and nurturing relationships is at the heart of a successful and happy school. The aim is to repair the harm done to relationships in the event of conflict and inappropriate behaviour.

Our Restorative Approach (RA) aims to support children to sort out everyday problems by talking honestly about what happened. The process encourages pupils to take responsibility for any wrong decisions they have made and help repair any harm caused by their actions.  Staff act as mediators in this process and support pupils.

To develop the skills and abilities of individuals to manage their thoughts and feelings.


What is different about it?

This process is not an ‘easy option’ – these RA chats take time to do and are very powerful. Anyone involved has to be honest about what happened and be able to listen to all points of view.

Listening to how a behaviour has affected others helps everyone understand the impact it has had.

Restorative Questions

Everyone affected by a behaviour, a conflict situation or a problem is involved in a discussion using questions like the ones


Restorative approaches promote:

Mutual respect and appreciation


Individuals directly involved are best placed to resolve a conflict.

Individuals are therefore encouraged and helped to take responsibility for their actions and put things right with the support if adults.