Parent Council

What is a Parent Council?

What is the Parent Forum?

The 2006 Parental Involvement Act states that every school in Scotland has a Parent Forum which consists of all the parents/carers who have a child at the school are automatically members of the Parent Forum.

The parent forum can expect to:

• receive information about the school
• decide on the format of the Parent Council and how it operates

• identify issues for the Parent Council

• be consulted by the Parent Council
• express views through the Parent Council.

What is our Parent Council?

The Parent Council is the committee appointed by the Parent Forum to run matters on its behalf. A Parent Council is not run by the school or the local authority but by the parents in the school. The local authority should support a Parent Council both financially and through advice/support.

What do our Parent Council do?

The main aim of our Parent Council is to help the school operate as a successful school and to try to represent all parents/carers.

There is an important role in improving links between all parents and the school;
the Parent Council should report to parents at least once a year (at the AGM) but
it is good practice to do this on a regular basis.
• Make sure that parents get the information they need in an accessible way and
that the school staff gets feedback on parents’ views.
• Discuss any issue that’s of interest to parents, including school policies on such
things as bullying, sexual health and relationships education, homework and school uniform

• Work jointly with the school to set up extra-curricular activities and after-school clubs.
• As part of Curriculum for Excellence, parental involvement in their children’s learning is recognised as very important: the PC has a role to play in working out how this can happen.
• Represent parents’ views to the education authority and others on those issues that are of concern to parents, pupils and staff with an awareness of equality and fairness. Although issues from individual parents should not be pursued, it might be an opportunity to address the issue in a more general way.
• The Parent Council should be involved in the recruitment of new Headteachers and/or senior staff.
• The Parent Council has an important role during and after a school inspection.
• Take on those social and fundraising activities previously run by the PTA


What is the role of the Headteacher on the Parent Council?

The Headteacher has a right and a duty to attend meetings of the Parent Council or s/he can send a representative. Of course, it might not always be necessary for the Head to be at a meeting, for example if you are discussing arrangements for an event.
The Headteacher is an advisor to the Parent Council and does not have a vote.
The Parent Council may ask the Headteacher to report to their meetings but remember that parents decide on the agenda and the HT’s report should not dominate proceedings.
The Headteacher should involve the Parent Council in the School Improvement Plan and encourage them to have an active role in the development/review of school policies

What is our PTA?
It is up to the Parent Forum how they want to be represented, our model is the Parent Council act as one group and do everything, including organising fundraising activities.

Parent Council Meetings

Please find our meeting dates below.  Our meetings are open to all parents and carers involved with Burnhaven school.  They will always take place at 6.00pm in Hut 2.

Chairperson: Gillian Craighead

Vice Chairperson: Sonya O’Brien

Secretary/Treasurer: Dyan Brown/Jennifer Ritchie

Fundaraising: Denise Robertson